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EVERYTHING, inside the computer, is a number. Although the computer works only with numbers, There are ways to convert these numbers in:

letters, using the ASCII code

65 -> "A"
66 -> "B"

images, dividing the image into points (pixels) and matching a number to a color intensity

255,  0,  0 red color
0  ,255,  0 green color
0  ,  0,  0 black color
255,255,255 white color

sounds, by recording the sound waveform It is definitely a sequence of numbers

The computer does two things with these numbers

You can Store and Remember these numbers in your Memory: The most accurate analogy is a drawer where I keep a number that can be read at another time

You can perform calculations with numbers: It refers to perform mathematical calculations, addition, subtraction, etc. .. with these numbers. These calculations are in sequence, one behind the other and this sequence can be repeated or skipped according to conditions.

These actions will be performed or executed by the computer when we give you the ORDERS to do them. These orders or actions in sequence will be the code of our program.

in summary, we will define


that constitute the code to be executed by the computer

The main objective of the language is to facilitate programming. This language will be translated into the real code that the computer uses to function.

We will use WORDS as the basis of language. we define a word as a set of characters separated by space example


and also



23 4.3

although they are words, they are also valid numbers.

The language has a DICTIONARY, where words are defined with specific actions, for example

the word + will add two numbers.

the word @ will get a number that is in the memory.

Words that are numbers are not in the dictionary but have a defined action: they are stacked in a memory called DATA STACK

We will also use PREFIXES to indicate different actions. for example the prefix $ defines number in base 16, so $ff is number 255 in base 10, therefore it will be stacked.

The words that will define the program will be executed in order for example

2 2 +

stack the 2 then stack another 2 and then add these numbers.

Every word that is in the code and not a number will be searched in the dictionary, if it is not found it means that the program is badly written.

EVERY word must be defined before being used.

we can define words with the two most important prefixes


defines the word DATA as a place of memory, also called variable DATA


defines the word ACCION as a set of actions to execute

The prefix “:” only defines the starting point of the program, here the execution begins: The word ; defines the end of a definition or the end of the program. Then the complete example is left

: 2 2+ ;

The program will be a set of definitions of data and actions and at the end will be the starting point of the program


:add 1 'points +! ;

add add ;

First we define the variable points, initially it will contain a 0.

Then we define the word add, what you will add is to execute the following words until you find a ; In this case it will be 1 that will stack the number 1 'points using the prefix “’” stacks the address of the variable points +! add 1 to the variable points ; end of definition and word

At the end of the program is the starting point, which here repeats the word add twice and then ends the program. The idea of this code is to add the number 1 to the variable points twice, at the end of the execution points will contain the number 2.

The Data Stack

The actions will be operations on numbers, taking and leaving numbers from memory. The data stack can be viewed as a short-term memory, to calculate or to pass this data between words.

Part of the job of making a program is to plan what happens in this stack.

We have words to reorder the stack, to add numbers and to remove.

We already saw that a number is stacked when it is executed.

We can also add values to the data stack doubling the top with DUP or the second with OVER or the third, fourth, fifth with PICK2, PICK3, PICK4 Here we stop, in case you need to copy a deeper value in the stack, it is an indication that our code is unnecessarily complicated, surely there is an easier way to do the same. There are many more indicators of this but the order of the stack is the main one ..

Note that we are copying the value .. it’s like saying .. we will do something with this number but we need the original value too ..

We can delete items from the stack with DROP or NIP.

We can change the order of the elements with SWAP or ROT.

Sort the stack so that the calculations flow without many words of stack.

All the arithmetic and logical operations will be performed on the numbers that are in the stack the word +, -, *, /, MOD, AND, OR, XOR take the two numbers at the top of the stack and stack the result We also have operations like NOT, NEG, ABS, SQRT that modify only the top of the stack

Control structures

They are the parts of the code that are executed in a certain condition or that are repeated. These parts of code will be called blocks and we will delimit them with parentheses Using also the word) (to indicate the end of one block and the beginning of another.

The conditional words are going to check the top of the stack or the first two numbers completing the operation of these control structures

The simple conditionals are


The compound conditionals are


These conditionals must be stuck to the blocks


Execute the block if the condition is met Execute block A if the condition is met or block B if it is not met less than 5 or greater than 8 or none

5 <? ( "less than 5" print )( 8 >? ( "Greater than 8" print )( "none" print ) )

use the word cut to finish the execution

5 <? ("less than 5" print ; )
8 >? ("greater than 8" print ; )
"none" print


repeat the block while the condition is met count from 0 to 9

0 ( 10 <? )( 1+ ) drop

count from 10 to 1

10 ( 1? )( 1- ) drop

traverse a string ending in 0

( c@+ 1? )( emit ) drop


Repeat the block until the condition is met Although less frequent this

10 ( 1- 0? )


Repeat forever

( loop )

Variables and Memory

As we saw, the program is composed of DATA + ACTION

About the data We can define memory to save data in 3 different ways.

The main words to use the memory are: fetch

@ | address -- value

takes from the stack a direction in the memory, obtains the value that is there and stacks it and store

! | address value --

saves in the direction the value that is in the stack