Memory Data Base
Library for memory database with char separators, variable length registers.
Library for make form for edit, include db2.
Database Definition
The database is a collection of records separated by the character ~
, each field is separated by the character |
and within the field you can separate value with the character _
, this definition is arbitrary, and you could have chosen non-printable characters but you tried to simplify to edit the files with a common text editor
See the demo in apps/database agenda.
#dbagenda 0 "db/agenda/agenda.db"
#fkagenda 0 "db/agenda/"
#gragenda 0 0
$400 $201 $202 $203 $304 0
define the file for store the db, fkagenda
define the form for entry the datas and gragenda
define a grid for view the db.
The file db/agenda/
define the field with type, for edit, and size. Remember the fields are positional, not for name, the name is decorative.
Movil|A20|9999999999~ Particular|A20|9999999999~ Trabajo|A20|9999999999~
Email|A40~ Direccion|A40~
load the db and the form:
'fkagenda fkload
'dbagenda dbload
Log Version
There are words for make a db with a log file, every change in the db is append to a log file id disk and you can reconstruct the entire db or make a replicate with a timestamp.
Work with database
In lib/parse.txt you have word for select the correct field. The idea is keep the adress of register an search the next control char
::>>s | adr -- adr' | go to next separator
::>>f | adr -- adr' | go to next field
::fld# | adr -- adr cnt | cnt of fields
::>>fi | adr -- adr' | next record
::reg# | adr -- adr cnt | count record
In lib/db2.txt
For traverse de database, vec is a word for operate over the register.
::dbmap | vec 'db -- ; vec | vec nro adri adrr -- vec nro adri | nro is from max to 0
::dbmapn | vec 'db -- ; vec | vec nro adri adrr -- vec nro adri | nro is 0 to max
For insert, update and delete registers. There are versions with log.
::dbinsert | 'db -- ; inserta memoria al final del archivo
::dbupdate | nroreg 'db --
::dbdelete | nro 'db --
For sort in diferents type of registers. For every db there are a index array, this word sort this index.
::dbsort | fld 'db -- ;
::dbsortstr | fld 'db -- ;
::dbsortdate | fld 'db --
For Filter, again, over the index array.
::dbfilterv | 'que 'db --
For searchany value
::dbsearchstr | "" nro 'db -- reg/0
::dbsearchany | "" nro 'db -- reg/0
::dbsearchnext | "" nro 'db -- reg/0
For example: I have a database of articles and I need to obtain the different suppliers of the articles, for this I will go through the database and get the different names of suppliers in a string arrangement.