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:r4 Compiler


The main data estructure is the dictionary. This definition and the memory map for the tokenizar is in compiler/r4-dicc.txt.

First the dictionary is in variables

|---- diccionario
| str|token|info|mov  	16 bytes for word
| 0   +4    +8   +12

#:indicepal )( $3ffff	| 16k words
#:indicepal> 'indicepal
#:indicepal< 'indicepal

Every entry has a 4 places, the fist is the adress of source code, the second is the adress in tokens, the 3 is information of words and the last is the information of movements of stack and the lenght of definition. The variable #:indicepal> is the last entry created and #:indicepal< is the last include file, for see who words are exported.

In information place store data in the bits:

 bit  meaning
 $1	0 action 1 data
 $2	0 local 1 export
 $4	1 is used with adress
 $8	1 r stak is unbalanced
 $10	0 one ; 1 many ;
 $20	1 recursive word
 $40	1 has anonymous definitions
 $80	1 end without ;
 $100	1 inline
 $200	1 change memory
 $400	1 change A register
 $800	1 change B register
 $40000000	1 set A register
 $80000000	1 set B register

And store the count of call in mask $00fff000 (12 bits) and the level of word in the mask $3f000000 (6 bits) The level is, for word with only basics words is level 0, when call a word of level 0 then is level 1, and so on.

When the word is a variable I use the bits ($1c0) for store the description.

 0 value
 1 adress
 2 adress code
 3 string
 4 value list
 5 adress list
 6 adress code list
 7 string list
 8 complex structure

The last value called mov, store

 1		dD (-128..127)
 2     dU (-128..127)
 3/    dR ( -8..7 )
 /4	token lenght (12 bits)

And the memory map for this tokenizer is made of this vars


| memory Map
|-----------------	inisrc
| source code...
|-----------------	here
| includes...
|-----------------	data
| data constant...	data>
|-----------------	code
| token in code		<<boot
| 					code>

The Tokenizer

The generated language is compiled in several stages, each stage is independent and can be replaced or reused for other propopsitos, in fact, many stages in the debugger, the compiler, the profiler are shared.

The first stage is tokenization, in this stage the written text code is converted into chain of tokens and the dictionary is built.

In compiler/r4-token.txt:

::tokenfile load a file a return error or 0 and fill the dicctionary and convert all the code to tokens.

::tokenasm Add the line ^r4/system/asmbase/asmbase.txt to the beginning and then upload the file below, set the main dicctionary to special for remove some words defined in asmbase and call the tokenizer.

The definition of main dicctionary is in lib/macrosr4.txt, here you cas see the words eliminated when you compile to assembly.

The main tokenization word is tokeniza, this initialize the dicctionary to empty and first load all includes, with a stack for scan all the files in deep first order, only load the includes one time and keep the call order, define first word when needed, remember you can’t use a word without define first.

Then, when all the files load, this memory is called source, mark the start of tokens (code and code>) and constant (data and data>) then now start tokenizer the source.

:code2token is the main iterator for convert every word to token. start for the first include file :compilatoken take the adress of string code and remove the space, check for prefix, check for number, search in main dicc and search in normal dicc. There are two states, in data definition state or in code definition state. When found the end of file in the string get the next direction of include and continue until the end of include files.

There are controls for blocks and anonymous definition and words with multiple definition (without ;).

When all the source code is converted, there are a call to tokenpost, this is in compiler/r4-post.txt, this make a tree of call and calculate the numbers of call start of main definition word :, when this information I can detect the unused variables and unused code.

Interative interprete

For debug the code I build ide/debug-code.txt, this call the tokenizer and execute, but need a real memory assignation of variables for simulate this. This is done with call to tokenmem defined in ide/r4-tokenrun.txt, see in this code how execute every basic word and how simulate the stacks.

I need store the screen in a auxilliary memory for see whats happen with the framebuffer. Thank’s to the run to cursor is possible check the keys, in the debug system put the cursor in a word called when you press a key, hit F1 for run2cursor and see how work this.